ISSN 2312-5160

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Maksymovych Scientific Library
Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine

Current Issues of Mass Communication, 2015, no. 17, pp. 31-42

ISSN 2312-5160


Full text, PDF (in Ukrainian)

Techniques of Representation of the ‘Other’ in the Context of Media Ritualization (on Example of ‘Mir Tourizma’ and ‘Мandry’ Travel Magazines)

Olena Yufereva *

Zaporizhzhya National Technical University, Department of Journalism, 64 Zhukovskoho str., Zaporizhia, 69063, Ukraine

* Corresponding author’s e-mail address: elena.yufereva[@]



Media ritualization is an effective tool of ethical ‘Other’ representation and plays a relevant role in travel publications, but still it needs an adequate scientific coverage. The main objective of the research was to identify the techniques of ritualization for creating the image of ‘Other’ by the examples of Ukrainian travel magazines “Mir Tourizma” and “Мandry” issued in 2010-2014.

The methodology of qualitative analysis was used to expose the implicit assumptions of the texts. The semiotic method was important for this research to deepen the understanding of contextual dimensions of the media ritualization.

Results / findings. Such mechanisms of ritualization as transition and initiation, which are based on dynamic interchange of the social system poles (“work / rest”, “everyday / holiday”), as well as the principles of ‘Other’ conceptualization shaping the basic for the modern travel-magazine are described in the study. Relaxation and pleasure, as well as the excitement of adventure divert the reader from his/her everyday life and show the ‘Other’ as an unusual life. This temporary break-off accompanied with certain satisfaction, a sense of calmness, or to the contrary, a feeling of testing limits – is the basis for the ritual of transition. In the media practice the ritualization technologies are aimed at making the ‘Other’ more comfortable, absorbing its obscurity, setting up a potential tourist to trust the “transition”, so that the impression of the ‘Other’ becomes more accessible and more convenient.

The tools and schemes of ritualization are characterized by weakening of rational principles and content saturation, but, at the same time, they demonstrate functional efficiency establishing close contextual and psychological connection between the travel experience of the journalist and the recipient of the information (the reader), thus removing the barriers which prevent from the contact with the ‘Other’.

Oneof the keyconceptsthatcan be traced inUkrainiantravel magazines is the pleasure of “switched off” life. Tostrengthen thesensibility, the travelmagazines actively use visual accompaniment in their publications. Sacredimages,photographsare designed to foreground the capabilities for breaking away from the humdrum.

The concepts of “miracle”, “fairy-tale”, “secret”, the techniques of “authenticity” of the ‘Other’ representation and the mythologization of the locus are also analysed in the study.


KEYWORDS: media-rithual, ritualization, liminality, travel-magazine, concept.



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